Monday, September 22, 2008




1. Enforce proper attire rules.
2. No sleeping at night.
3. No personal visits/or socialism with concierge, valet attendant or residents.
4. You must surveillance the building back and forth to make sure everything is OK.
5. Do not allow large trucks inside any parking level.
6. Make frequent rounds, take a pad and pen, use flashlight.
7. Take care of the Golf cart.
8. Be alert: Observe parking grounds.
9. You are not a Police Officer, observe and report only.
10. Document all incident properly: In case of accident or incident reports, be quick and accurate in your reporting, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to you.
11. If you notice that a car is damaged, notify the owner immediately and have it noted in the log.
12. Acquaint yourselves with the building rules and enforce them.
13. Report all maintenance problems: Lights out in halls, parking lots oil leaks in parking spaces, etc.
14. Do not leave envelopes or notices on the hallway floors, place them under the door. If you know the occupant is out of town, do not leave anything by the door.
15. Do not use emergency key to enter ay apartment without the authorization of the Manager.



In order to effectively conduct our Association, no resident documents, files, computer disks, lists, other related onformation should be removed, nor should information of a confidential nature be disclosed to anyone but the Manager in order to inform the Board of Directors of any wrong doing.

You are under the supervision of the Management Office. All request of service must be made through the Manager. You as an employee are not allowed to fraternize with owners or residents on or off of condominium property. You cannot be invited to an apartment during or outside of work hours for the purpose of socializing. Fraternization is grounds for dismissal of an employee. While employees are at all times encouraged to be friendly, they are not to become “FRIENDS”. The purpose of this policy is to protect both employees and residents from misunderstanding and/or liabilities. You must cooperate.


1. Be punctual.
2. Clean appearance.
3. Be courteous and polite.
4. Do not punch someone else’s time card.
5. Report unusual incidents to the Manager: Strangers in the building, pool deck, etc.
6. Pick up trash as you see it (inside and outside)
7. No personal phone call during work hours.
8. No smoking anywhere in the building.
9. During working hours: No shopping for the residents, No washing of cars for residents or guests, No private work for residents.
10. No overtime unless approved by Manager.
11. Use initiative.
12. Use your common sense, when in doubt ask questions.
13. Do not accept key from unit owner apartments to hold or pass on, from Residents, Realtors, etc.
14. Do not use your position for your own benefit, i.e. asking for or receiving kick backs from outside contractors or any one else, or your employment will be terminated.
15. Contact the Manager if you have any problems.


Must have active security guard license from State of Florida. Responsible for making rounds, knowledge and enforcement of Rules and Regulations. Must be polite, but firm. Must be able to write understandable incident reports for Board. Needs to enforce parking regulations, be able to respond to noise complaints, assist Concierge in covering front desk when Concierge is taking a break.

1. The Security Rover is responsible for making the designated rounds at least three, and preferably four times per shift, other responsibilities allowing.
2. The Rover’s responsibilities are to observe and report, and to assist in emergencies. Unless s/he is personally threatened, the rover is never use physical force or to try to detain or restrain anyone, no matter what the circumstances are. Only the police have authority to use physical force, and to detain people. Demonstrates good judgment, can prioritize and resolve situations which may arise, and knows when to refer situations to the Concierge / Front Desk Security Officer.
3. Can immediately identify and respond to an emergency.
4. Keeps cool and collected while assessing a situation.
5. Communicates clearly when requesting the appropriate assistance (fire rescue, valet, housekeeping, etc.)
6. Knows three most important emergency situation goals:
· Prevent injury or loss of life
· Minimize property damage
· Restore building to normal operations as soon as possible.
7. Report immediately any damage or defective Vehicle, equipment and machinery.
8. GATE OUT OF SERVICE: If one of the gates goes out of service in the “closed position” after 4 PM or during the weekend, and cannot be opened, reset or repaired, erect the proper barrier ribbons and use signage to communicate that the gate is out of service. Use the remaining gate for all entry and exit traffic. Personally direct traffic and assist in the gate opening to facilitate safe passage of entering and exiting residents until the gate can be restored to service.
9. If the gate goes out of service in the “open position” and cannot be repaired or reset, leave it in the open position and personally control the access from outside the building until the gate can be restored to normal function.
10. This gate duty in case of malfunction supersedes all other duties except those of a fire emergency or life and death emergency, which shall be the new first priority.
11. NORMAL ROUNDS: Check the Security Key at each of the listed stations at least three times per shift. Observe any unusual or curious circumstances as you do this inspection.
12. Use your senses (eyes, ears, nose, and touch) to detect any unusual circumstances.
13. Smell the air, to test for any signs of smoke or burning, chemicals, etc. Smell outside machinery rooms for any sign of burning. Listen for any sign of malfunctioning machinery and document in the Log Book.
14. Look for any signs of leaks, wet carpeting, dripping, etc. which may indicate a potential problem. Document in the Log Book. Investigate further, as required by the circumstances. Leaks outside air conditioning closets (from blocked condensation lines) in the hallways are not considered emergencies and can be resolved during the daytime. Best procedure is to check other floors above where water has been discovered for further signs of leakage, until the source can be determined. In the event water is coming from an apartment door, consider it an emergency and either alert the occupant or in his/her absence, gain emergency entry into the apartment to shut off the water. Notify Manager and Building Engineer of any serious water leak problem without delay.
15. Check for opened doors that should normally be locked. Investigate further if necessary.
16. Test emergency telephones in the elevators once a week. Pick up the receiver and wait until the front desk answers. No dialing is required. If front desk does not answer after 60 seconds, report malfunction in the Log Book; include the elevator number in your report.
17. Check all lighting to see that it is operational. Be especially wary if lighting has been unscrewed or the bulb broken….Report this immediately to the Front Desk and proceed with caution. In cases of normal lights out of service, either replace the bulb yourself or enter the problem into the Log Book for the Building Engineer to check in the morning.
18. Check the mail room for any signs of post office box tampering/theft.
19. Check the garage for any sign of vehicle tampering/theft.
20. Check social room and gym doors, making sure they are locked after hours.
21. Report any vehicle lights left on in the garage to the Front Desk so that the vehicle owner can be notified. Notify also of any car alarms going off, etc.
22. Check restrooms for any signs of unusual activity.
23. Check stairwells at ground level for any signs of loitering by unauthorized entrants.
24. Document any unusual circumstances in the Log Book at the Front Desk at the end of the round. If normal, note that rounds were made and everything was found to be normal. If unusual circumstances were encountered, document them in the Log Book. If necessary, go back and check on the exceptions to monitor any further developments.
25. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE. Be prepared to assist in the following:
· Extracting passengers from elevators that have become inoperable. Attempt to reset elevator at ground level if possible, which will allow passengers to exit. If this does not work, you will need to determine the floor location the elevator is on (check the TV monitor inside the cabinet at the Front Desk which shows the floors the elevators are currently on). Proceed to that floor and using the curved key, open the outer door. You will now see where the elevator car is in relation to the floor level. If it is too high or too low (more than or less than 24 inches (?) from the floor level) for the passengers to safely climb out with your assistance, reassure them that fire rescue is being called to take them out safely. You can leave the inner elevator door open as you stay on-scene with them awaiting fire rescue. Stay in radio contact with the front desk to monitor progress of fire rescue.
· Checking False Fire Alarms: You will need to investigate the location of a fire alarm and determine whether there is any sign of smoke or equipment malfunction. Smoke detectors that have been activated will have a constant (instead of blinking) LED red light. If the smoke detector has been activated but there is no sign of smoke, it is probably malfunctioning. Carefully unscrew the smoke detector (you may need a ladder, which can be found on the ground floor of the East stairwell, near the exit door to the north side of the building) and take it with you back to the Front Desk, to report it in a Log Entry. The Alarm Panel will automatically reset itself and exclude the smoke detector in two or three minutes. In the event of a tripped pull station, you will need to use the key on your key ring (or at the fire alarm panel door) to reset the pull station.
· Checking Real Fire Alarms: If you encounter smoke and signs of an active fire, IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE FRONT DESK AND REQUEST THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Time is vital – DON’T DELAY. Then, try to identify the size of the fire and the nature of the fire (machinery room fire, automobile fire, apartment fire, etc. Know how to use a fire extinguisher, but remember that at all times personal safety of the residents and yourself is more important than property. Stay in touch with the Front Desk by radio and advice them of any information you can provide which will assist the Fire Department when then arrive.
· Shutting off a fire sprinkler line where a sprinkler head has gone off due to equipment malfunction. See instructions, attached.
25. Check the Log Entries since your last shift.
26. Rearrange the cushions on the chairs/sofas at the Front Entrance to appear neat. Rearrange to normal position any lobby furnishings found out of place.
27. Provide temporary relief for the Front Desk person if s/he needs to use the restroom, or take a short dinner break.
28. Deliver building mail to residents and Board members.
29. Remove elevator covers in the freight elevator after moving hours are over, at 6 PM.
30. Pickup of any litter found during rounds, and disposal in the nearest waste receptacle.
A. Inspect all vehicles in garage for proper parking permits. Ticket violators. Each vehicle must have a valid La Gorce Palace parking sticker displayed with a number that matches the parking space it is parked in. See instructions for ticketing, attached. Submit copies of tickets to Manager. Do not obscure driver’s front window with any type of ticketing.
B. Check all cars parked in Valet Parking spaces. They must have Valet tickets displayed on the front windshield. Check against keys displayed on the valet key board at the Front Desk for any discrepancy. Note any discrepancy in the Log Book.
C. Check Contractor’s Parking area during the day for proper valet parking tickets.
D. Upon instruction by a resident who wants a vehicle parked without permission in their parking space, you may have it towed by Tremont Towing after first confirming that the vehicle does not have a valid parking permit for that space displayed, then entering into the Log Book the name of the resident who wants the vehicle towed, their parking space, etc. In the event that the vehicle in the space appears to have a proper parking permit, DO NOT tows it. Allow the complaining resident to park for free in valet parking until the Association Office can investigate further.
· Be familiar with Rules and Regulations as they are revised from time to time.
· Be familiar with Pool and Spa rules. During the summer months (May – Sept.), spend at least 15 minutes of every weekend/holiday day shift (9 AM – 5 PM) at the pool area, observing that the pool rules are being followed. You may sit down in one of the chairs out of the sun. Have a copy of the Pool Rules with you, so that you can show someone that this is a rule that you are enforcing. Write a Complaint Form to the Manager for his follow-up if someone is not cooperating with you. Be sure to identify the perpetrator and his/her apartment number, as well as the details of the incident. Note in the Front Desk Log Book that you sent a Complaint Form to the Manager about the incident.
· Improper Dress in the Elevators: Challenge politely anyone not wearing proper dress in the building or in the elevators. Wet, dripping bathing suits, no shirts, no shoes are forbidden. Call people’s attention to the violation(s) and ask for their future cooperation. Write Complaint Form to the Manager in case of repeat offenders, so that he can follow up.
· Gym Use: Children under 12 years old are not permitted in the gym, with or without adult supervision. Familiarize yourself with the gym rules, and check the gym when doing your rounds.

32. OTHER DUTIES: Job description also includes such other duties as management may assign from time to time. Job descriptions may be changed at the discretion of management, according to the organization’s needs.
33. FINAL NOTE: While enforcing the Association Rules and Regulations, our commitment is to also provide a professional, courteous environment that our residents and their guests can enjoy.

Please remember that you will accomplish your job responsibilities by using diplomacy and reason, trying to persuade people to comply with the rules rather than trying to force them to comply. If people will not comply, refer them in all instances to the Manager.


1 comment:

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